Panayiotis Steele
Project Proposal

Organization:  NRL Computational Multiphysics Systems Laboratory
Mentor Name:  Dr. John G. Michopoulos

Symbolic Algebra and Visualization Enhancements of a 2D-Visual Programming 
Environment for Multiphysics Mechatronic Systems Simulation.  

Oct. 5 - working on poster? presentation? Paper is done.

Oct. 7 -

Oct. 14 - ?

Dec. 14 Status Update
	Today I am working on finishing the Testing Report.  After I finish that,
	it is back to my paper.  I will continue to put LaTeX tags around the text, 
	and then I will resume looking at different websites that focus on LaTeX tags to learn how I can embed figures into the paper.  So far, I haven't been able 
	to find anything on the links posted on; I will finish looking at 
	those websites and then conduct my own search.