Modeling: Chemistry and the Standard Model to analyze chemical structures. Title: Computer Chemistry Modeling Objective: The purpose of this project is to produce a piece of software that can accurately model and analyze chemical structures and interactions on an atomic level under a variety of environmental conditions. Justification: Many current chemistry modeling softwares perform computations slowly when provided with complicated input data. Furthermore, few are based upon complete versions of the Standard Model. This can introduce inaccuracies in output and incomplete algorithms. An optimized chemistry software, based on a comprehensive physics model would provide more accurate results and be more computationally efficient. This would lead to more productive work in applied fields, such as medicine or biotechnology, and also in theoretical fields as well, where it could be used to simulate conditions that are experimentally unachievable. Description: I will first research the workings of quantum physics and the Standard Model. Next, I will incorporate the rules of the Standard Model into a physics model, which will form the base for the chemistry software. Then, I will research the principles of subatomic chemistry, which will build upon the physics model. Finally, I will build a user interface that will make the program easy to use. Limitations: The mathematics involved in quantum mechanics are high level and I may not have time to fully comprehend them. After the completion of my program, I will have to test the accuracy by comparing results with both standard values and empirical data. Performing experiments to benchmark the accuracy would require the use of chemical and physics equipment, which could present budget and/or safety issues.