Artificial Intelligence: Smart bridge playing program Title: Bridge Convention Storing Computer Program, with Artificial Intelligence Objective: The objective of this research would be to design a computer program that stores and reenacts various bridge (the card game) bidding systems. Justification: This program would be a useful tool to anyone analyzing bridge hands, and would show what technically should be bid in each situation. It would also facilitate the making of more realistic and diverse bridge simulation programs, which often are very lacking in the bidding aspect of the game. Another reason for doing this project would be to give myself experience in making a large, scalable, program using artificial intelligence. While I think my project idea is very good, I am open to pursuing another project involving artificial intelligence if I think of one that is more worthwhile or stimulating than this one. Description: The goal of this project is to design a computer program that stores bridge bidding systems and can bid hands. This project is both simple yet incredibly difficult. I want to allow the user to input what all opening bids mean, then what all responses mean, then what all responses to responses mean, etc. This branching out concept is simple enough, but designing it so the user can make generalizations and fully describe the situation in which you would make each bid would be quite complex. I want the user to be able to distinguish majors from minors, artificial bids from natural ones, and part-score contracts from game among other things. Also, a risk factor on each bid would optimally need to be added in order to allow for bidding under different scoring conditions. Additionally, accounting for situations in which both partnerships bid would add yet another layer of complexity to the branching system. I want to design the program so that the bidding systems can be saved and then used by the same or possibly by a partner program to simulate computer bidding of hands. Allowing for hands to be entered or randomly dealt would be a challenge there. Also, having the bidding system saved and viewed is one thing, making the computer interpret it and act upon it is quite another. Limitations: There are no budget, space, or safety concerns for this project. Concerning time, this project probably could take a long time to finish or it could go by quickly. It would just depend upon how smoothly the programming went, how good the initial design was, and how many features were included in the final product. Designing and building a program that could store bids in text form for later viewing would not be that difficult. However making the bids have uniform qualities and making an artificial intelligence to understand them would be quite a challenge.