Modeling/Biotech: Half-life of drugs in the body Title: Model of the Half-Life of Drugs in the Body Objective: When developing a new drug, scientists have no way of knowing the exact effects of that drug on human physiology. Part of this is dependent on how long the drug remains active in the system. The purpose of this project is to develop a physiological based pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic (PBPK/PD) computer model of the human circulatory system and excretory systems, as well as of all other tissues affected by a drug, that could estimate the duration of that drug, both in significant and trace amounts. Justification: When developing new drugs, researchers must go through many stages of testing, which can take over 12 years to get approved by the FDA for the public. This is made up of 3.5 years of laboratory research, 6 years of human testing, and 2.5 years for the FDA to review and approve it, after which it requires more testing before actually being sold. A model of different chemical and drug half-lives in the human body could help shorten this process by helping to show early on what the life-span of the drug will be in the human body, which will allow the process to be sped up slightly, especially in the human testing phase. It could also help identify ineffective or dangerous drugs sooner (drugs that pass to quickly through the body or that remain to long), which would save millions of dollars on the unnecessary experimentation that would follow, and would make the overall cost of successful drugs cheaper for those who need them. A stronger understanding of the medications doctors are issuing would also increase the effectiveness of the treatment. Description: The PBPK/PD model will take into account many different properties of a drug, input by the user, to determine that drug’s course in a person. In order to limit the variables, the model will probably be limited to a certain type of drug, such as cardiovascular medications. These also have the advantage of having a large amount of research already done on them, to give a solid basis for calculating the half-life of unknown drugs. Important properties that can effect the drugs course include the size, moieties, likelihood of forming bonds to different substances it may come in contact with, dosage, shape, and rate at which it can be broken down or excreted intact. The model will also take into account different body types, sizes, ages, and genders. It will be able to determine how long the drug remains in an amount significant enough to affect the body, as well as how long trace amounts remain. Limitations: The main limitation is a source of data on which to base the calculations off of. As previously stated, it is very difficult to know what a drug will do prior to any sort of testing. By using the model for one type of drug, I hope to be able to find a mathematical basis for the model. This will require a lot of research and data analysis, which will be even more difficult because a lot of the research was done by private companies, and may not be available for public use. There is also the factor of the variability of patient response to the drug. I hope to make the model capable of being able to calculate the drug’s half-life for at least the big differences in different humans, such as gender, size, and relative age.