3D Graphics: 3D environment realism for computer games. Title: 3-D Gaming Environment Objective: To learn how to create a 3-dimensional environment that a user can interact with and explore similar to an environment that may be used in a 3-D game. Justification: This project would allow for me to learn how to design a system to generate a 3-D, interactive environment through the use of OpenGL. The techniques used in the creation of this program could be applied elsewhere especially in an area such as the development of a 3-D game. Description: In order to accomplish this project, I would need to write to code to realistically render the environment in three dimensions probably utilizing OpenGL for this purpose. I would also need to create objects to be placed within the environment and provide a way for the user to interact with the environment by allowing the user to move within it. I could also program physical elements such as gravity and develop a method of detecting collisions between objects. Limitations: The main limitation on this project would be time as it will take time to develop methods for displaying the environment in addition to creating content for the environment.