Artificial Intelligenct/Machine Learning: Smart Chess AI Title: Chess Artificial Intelligence Objective: Make an artificial intelligence for chess that can beat a player rated ~1600. Justification: Aritificial Intelligence is an area of growing interest in Computer Science. As we make more advanced robotics, and increase computational power, we'll want to make robots that can do more on their own and adapt to their situation, resulting in as little human interference and work as possible. Making an AI in smaller, more confined environments is a step towards expanding that AI to bigger fields and object. Also, AIs are especially ideal for environments where unaccesible to humans, are for exploration(space, deep sea, etc). Especially for space, where there is actually some time lag, and so remote control would be instantaneous, especially as we move further from home. Description: Objective will be accomplished through hard core programming! Using C, I'll code the AI that interacts basically with raw data (just piece position) and plays accordingly. Later, I'll add a GUI, so that players can play against the AI. Making it possible to have AI's play each other would be cool, and allow for testing of multiple AIs. Limitations: Computing power and storage. These will definately be the limitations of my project, and the goal would be to overcome these limitations through some algorithms.