Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning: Computer learning to play a game Title: Working with Artificial Intelligence Objective: I have always been interested in artificial intelligence, and was especially interested when Mr. Latimer told us at the tech-lab meeting that we would have oppurtunities to research on how we could make the computer try to learn how to do something on its own. Justification: As I have said before, I have always been interested in artificial intelligence. I have always loved trying to make my programs too smart for even me, the programmer, to beat (when making a game). The project that I have described above, however, will go a step beyond that, and make the computer actually learn everything by itself. Description: I could accomplish this by either getting some books on the topic and trying to run programs that succesfully learn things on their own, or I could use the internet to get lots of information. Limitations: Some of the limitations that I would have are if I decided to use books, then I would have to buy the books, which would cost money. However, if I decided to use the internet, I would be faced with the fact that some of the internet sites are complete bogus. Other than that, however, I can see no limitations on my project.