Software engineering/product development: Artificial sight for the blind. Title: Making the Blind See Objective: To make a device that will take visual feed, change in into a stream of data, evaluate the data, and emit the cooresponding electromagnetic waves that mimic brain impulses to produce an 'artificial' sight. Justification: Many blind people were born that way, they were never allowed the gift of sight, they were never able to experience the world around them the way others that are not so handicapped have. To enable them to see, even a small amount, would be a great step toward tearing down one of the immense barriers set in front of the human race. Description: Live video feed will be streamed in, and will undergo a process of being turned into video files. The data in these files will then be converted into the same types of waves the human body uses to encode information of the outside world. These waves can then be interpreted by the blind persons brain, and it will be as if they can see. Limitations: The video feed will not be live, due to the fact that it will take time to process the video into electromagnetic waves. Furthurmore, the final visual that the brain translates will probably be 'pixalated' to they point that they would probably still be visually impaired, but it is still a step up. Finally, there is the fact that it would be awfully hard to test, there are not very many people just walking around that would let you use their head for experimenting.