Software engineering/Product development: Turn-based strategy game. (team) Title: Programming a Turn-Based Strategy Game Objective: The objective of my project is to produce a fully functional turn-based strategy game. Justification: Writing a video game would require a heavy understanding of the Java programming language, an understanding of video games, and an understanding of the principles of Artificial Inteligence. Having a sample of completed work would be a huge help in trying to enter the video game industry. Description: The objective will be accomplished through study and writing of Java. Additionaly, graphics must be drawn for use with the game. The project will consist of the plan and layout of the data structure, making the required graphics for the game, writing the game, testing the game, and finalizing the game. Limitations: Most video games are made by whole teams of directors, programmers, coders, graphics artists, testers and more over a period of several months or year. I hope to work with another student so we will be limited to the work that the two of us can produce in a single year. This is also our first game, so we will have to learn what to do before we can do it.