Computer Systems Project Proposal 
Justin Park
Period 1

Title: Development of a Better Algorithm For Go

Oct 3/4 making simple game interface

Oct. 6 - on a field trip

Oct. 13 - found a protocol for GO AI. 
     Putting daily logs in folders on web page

Oct. 17 - gGo Game, needs to come up with a specific problem in this GO area.
  Maybe become part of Gnu Go?
  gnu go, gGo uses the AI from gnu go.

Oct. 24 - absent

Oct. 25 - absent

Oct. 27 - updated logs

Oct. 31 - backdated logs (last week) for sept - current

Nov. 1 - absent

Nov. 15, Tues - absent

Dec. 15 Current Status Update
	I am looking at the source code of a Java GUI program (goGui,
	goGUI) that reads and writes .sgf  files (smart Game Format), which is the standard for saving
Go games. I am currently transcribing this into Python for my program. 
Eventually this will be the method that I store games, and I will create a 
database of these sgf files that I can easily access (it will be organized), 
and refer to during the AI decision making process. 

	I am also looking at the official specifications for the protocol (at
sgf).  Some of the interesting 
features that may be helpful in AI coding is that it is a tree-based format, 
meaning nodes of alternative moves can be stored.  There is also the ability to
rank moves, a very important feature that can help differentiate good ones from
bad ones.

Dec. 20 -
     I spent most of my time looking at bibliography references for the lab
requirements and continuing reading the protocol specs for the sgf
file format.  For Mr Latimer: Here's a good tutorial for learning Go: