Software engineering/opensource project: Intranet database search utility Title: The Creation of a Firefox Extension to search the Intranet Database Objective: The objective of this project is to create an extension for Mozilla Firefox that searches the Intranet database from the search location for Google,, or other engines that you add. Justification: This project should be done becuase it would be very useful. Currently, if one wants to do something as simple as find out what their friend is doing for 8th period the next day, they have to go to the intranet website, login, then go to the search input and search. With the extension, you could just type your search string into the same place that searches google,, and other places and it would perform the search for you. Description: The objective will be accomplished by first finding out how to create an extension for firefox, particularly for the search bar. The next step would be to talk to the people in charge of the Intranet to find out how that works. Once that is done, the extension would be created, with Firefox storing your username and password from the extension. Limitations: The limitations would include the storing of the username and password in Firefox. This could be a security breach, and it would also prove problematic for households with more than one TJ student. Another problem would be the distribution of the extension, and the fact that it wouldn't reach all TJ students since not very many people use firefox.