Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning: Computer game - Connect 4 Title: Artificial Intelligence in an Algorithm for Connect Four Objective: The objective of my project is to write a computer program that can play the board game "Connect Four" with superhuman ability. Justification: An algorithm for playing even a simple game such as "Connect Four" requires intricate search techniques or machine learning. The techniques used to develop a program such as this can be expanded to eventually build greater AI. Starting out in a condensed and simple environment is a stepping stone to larger and more comprehensive environments. Description: A program will be written so play the game "Connect Four" against a person. User-friendly inputted moves and outputted results need to be implemented. The algorithm that the computer will use searches for the best possible move in each situation. It will do this by using search techniques to find a move that will result in the best possible scenario. Each potential situation on the board will need to be rated by a function that determines its value recursively based on the the situations that can arise from it. Additionally, the program can be expanded by changing the rating formula for each board situation based on previous games that the algorithm has played, utilizing machine learning. Limitations: The project will have to be completed to a certain extent within the time period of one year. Another clear limitation is my own personal abilites and knowledge regarding artificial intelligence and programming in general. Finally, the computers available are only so fast; the searches cannot be too deep or the computer will not be able to finish the searches in a short time period.