Title: Using 3-D Modeling to Construct Computer Game Graphics Objective: The objective of this project is to design and implement a system to construct 3-D figures for use in a computer game. These figures must be able to both act as objects in space and as a way to render the game's graphics. Justification: Many real-time computer games now are based on polygons, which are both effective models of spatial relations and relatively easy to convert to a 2-dimensional image with correct perspective, relative size, etc. As graphics are becoming an increasingly important part of computer games, more efficient ways of dealing with complex polygons must be developed to maximize both of these advantages while minimizing difficulties such as object intersections and restrained motion. Description: To accomplish this objective, I plan to research methods of constructing and manipulating 3-dimensional polygons. I will then analyze and compare their strengths and weaknesses and attempt to combine the strengths of several of them to create an easier and more efficient method, which I will use to produce the game's graphics. Limitations: This project is constrained mainly by time. The first major limitation of this project is that I must first learn a 3-D modeling language, which I have decided to be OpenGL. This will take a reasonable amount of time, but I intend to begin learning before senior year. The second limitation is the time needed to design the system to function in both ways necessary at maximum speed. Since this is the first time I have worked with 3-D modeling, I will most likely have to progress largely by trial and error, which means I may have to backtrack multiple times.