Software Engineering/Internet Datamining product: Sports simulation Title: Online Sports Simulation Using Data Mining Techniques Objective: My objective is to create a database-driven "fantasy" sports league. The statistics required to run the league would be retrieved using data mining techniques. The league will a have a web (probably PHP)-based interface. Eventually, a artificial intelligence aspect could be added, allowing the computer to start the best players based on recent performance and upcoming matchups. Justification: Database management, data mining, and artificial intelligence are all complex and currently important fields of study. This project includes aspects of all of them. Also, PHP programming and web design are involved. Any and all of these skills would be useful to attain, and this project will help me develop them. Description: I will need to learn and/or expand my knowledge of programming in PHP (for the website and probably the data mining aspect), and SQL (for the database system). The interface wouldbe written with PHP and HTML, while the data mining would probably be in the form of a PHP script. The AI would be incorporated as part of the website, and as a result, would most likely be written in PHP as well. The data mining script would have to use a pre-existing website (,, etc.) to retrieve the statistics. The script would have to retrieve and then parse the page to collect the relevant statistics (probably on a daily basis) Limitations: The most important limitation is my own lack of knowledge (beyond basic) of especially mySQL databases. Also, I do not have the familliarity with PHP that this project would require. As a result, I would need to spend time before the project learing and becoming familliar with PHP and mySQL. Other than that, there are no other major limitations.