Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning: Program to learn how to play a game. Title: Programming Artificial Intelligence for a Computer Game Objective: To create a computer program which will be able to 'learn' how to play a game. At first it would know basically nothing about the game, and just make random moves, but over time it would learn how to counter its opponent, and make intelligent decisions. Justification: Practically, this is something that has interested me for a while, and after taking the Artificial Intelligence class, I want to take it one step further and actually program simulated learning. Theoretically, I don't think it has been done before, and it would be awesome if I could get it to work. Description: I'm not exactly sure which game I'm going to use first, I want to do a somewhat complex game to make the project more interesting. I plan on first starting with tic-tac-toe, or checkers, or something along those lines, and if that takes me a while then I will just stick with that for the rest of the project. If I can finish it quickly, then I'll try to move on to something like chess, or maybe some turn-based strategy game. It will be faster the second time even if it's a more complex game, because I can use much of the same ideas behind the learning. Limitations: The only limitations on this project are whether or not I will actually be able to get the computer to learn. I may have to do some sort of simulated learning, where the computer already kind of knows how to play the game, and just learns how to counter strategies, with some knowledge already built in, but I would much rather make its knowledge base completely empty at the start.