Title: An Intelligent Simulator of Chemical Reactions Objective: My objective is to develop a program that can intelligently predict the results of certain chemical reactions, and how and why they occur. A graphic simulation of the compounds and molecules and their respective subatomic particles can help the understanding of the simulation. Justification: There are two potential uses for this project. One is for educational purposes, for helping students understand what actually happens in chemical reactions, as opposed to some of the awkward in-class explanations or sometimes unclear or ambiguous Lewis Dot Diagrams. Since many structures happen in three dimensions, explaining them can be difficult, especially on paper in 2D. This project hopes to rectify that. Another possible purpose is to predict reactions that are difficult or unfeasible to perform. If the program could be developed intricately and intelligently enough, it could predict the outcome of reactions that the experimentor had not performed, by just using the laws of chemistry. Description: It is possible to involve elements of Artificial Intelligence and even possibly parallel computing into this project. Each atom, or each particle, could be it's own intelligent agent, trying to maximize it's stability in it's environment by acting upon the other agents (or atoms, or particles), i.e. donating, receiving, or sharing electrons. Each agent could also be given it's own process in parallel with each other, theoretically, though it does not have any obvious great positive impacts on the rest of the program. Limitations: Most laws in chemistry and physics are not clear-cut and are rife with exceptions. It could prove difficult, or impossible to account for every single possibility with an algorithm to simulate it. Also, I would have to learn chemical reactions again, which may cut down on some of the time I have for the rest of the project.