Document: Project Proposal Date: August 9, 2005 Name: Dan Tran Lab: Computer Systems Mentor: Graeme Littler Location: The World Bank / International Finance Corporation An Implementation of an Efficient User Interface for the Generation of Statistical Marketing Media Objective The objective of this project is to create a user interface product for the generation of pseudo customized mass marketing media automatically populated with specific statistical information calculated from a pertinent data set. Through the use of a web interface, a sender can quickly generate and send pseudo customized emails detailing newly calculated statistics focused towards the recipient. The data set would be analyzed for noteworthy statistics such as favorable or unfavorable trends or standings which then will be automatically flagged by the interface to ease the sender in the selection of data for the email. The content for the email would then be built from preloaded templates, allowing for scalability such as new trend indicators or additional languages. Justification Each year, the World Bank releases its flagship "Doing Business" publication - a guide to understanding business regulations in 145 countries. While this publication receives a substantial amount of media attention, a large percentage of this attention is based in the United States. By notifying media channels across the globe of the new release, the information would reach further than it would currently. Efforts to tap into the international media have been advanced by the use of additional languages in the Doing Business publication and website. By creating a product to generate and send quick and pseudo customizable emails, a feasible and efficient process for mass marketing of the Doing Business publication to overseas journalists can be easily executed, containing details such as the journalist's country statistics regarding business regulations and trends. For example, one journalist can be notified that his or her country is ranked in the bottom 10 for ease of starting a business; other accompanying information can also include trends of the selected statistic and comparisons to a standard average statistic. The journalist can then find out more information by requesting the Doing Business publication or visiting the Doing Business website. Description The objective will be accomplished through the use of the Microsoft .NET Framework. The C# programming language will be primarily used, pairing with the ASP.NET web technology in order to integrate with the IIS web server. SQL Server will be used for the storage and access of applicable data. Development of the interface will be done through an integrated development environment such as Visual Studio .NET or SharpDevelop. Limitations The limitations of this project include a time constraint due to the short term status of access to the servers in which the project will be implemented. The server has the sole copy of the data needed in this project and the unique setup of the server requires that the project be developed and implemented within the World Bank LAN. Another possible limitation is finding the correct balance between a product that is fully automated with a possibility of uninteresting statistics and a product that is manually operated with a human analyzing and selecting correct noteworthy statistics. This limitation can possibly tie in with the previous in that a more sophisticated implementation of data analysis will take more time to create.