Dan Stalcup Period 5 I.Engineering and Implementation of an Interactive Simulation Through Object Orientation II.This project will include the study of the concepts and facets of the theory of object orientation, the design of a project that would optimize several parts of object orientation, and implementation of this project. III.Object orientation - a theory that several modern languages including JAVA and Smalltalk were designed around - has several practical implementations. It is usually used to shorten code, simplify the design process, and make projects more flexible. This project will include the design and construction of an interactive simulation using an object oriented approach. I will look to shorten code, enrich interactivity, and implement the theory in creative ways to further prove the flexibility of object orientation. IV.This project will require research on object orientation, an examination of the software engineering process in order to appropriately design the simulation, and a study of JAVA for implementation. V.JAVA was the first language I learned, thus I was taught from the beginning to program with an object-oriented approach. Object orientation has several facets, including abstraction, encapsulation, and objects, but the overall idea is that you program from the "bottom up" rather than from the "top down." This means rather than taking each of the biggest portions of a project and breaking them down, one would start by constructing the basic building block ("objects") that will be applicable to the project and piecing them together to end up with a final product. VI.My project will be broken down in to three major parts: study of object orientation, design of a simulation, and implementation of the project in JAVA. I plan to use the JAVA SDK. Graphics will be simple. VII.I hope that my project will demonstrate how object orientation can be used to simplify and enrich software engineering projects.