Deepak Srinivasan
Need a paper draft
Mentorship - summer, period 2

Oct. 3 Writing development section
 Needs to run Visual Studio 6 with Wine (running windows programs in Linux) 
 for his program from the summer

Oct. 6 - on a field trip

Oct. 13 - Writing about the experiment, image processing. Will save today's 
   portion on web-docs.

Oct. 27 - Oct. 13 Draft
   Oct. 25 Draft

Dec. 20 Current Status Update
Currently I'm working on implementing another image processing technique called
the Laplacian Sharpening Technique. I've gotten the first step done (performing
a certain convolution), but I'm having a little trouble with the rest (I'm trying 
to figure out a certain problem of mine). Because of Intel, I've had my report 
done for over a month now, but I don't think I've shown it to you(Mr. Latimer) 
yet. I'll do that as soon as I e-mail the final report to here from home.