Modeling/Agent-based modeling: Traffic modeling Title: Parallel Controlled Automated Traffic Environment Objective: The objective is to create a dynamic parallel system to simulate an environment with automated traffic control. Justification: Forty thousands Americans die in the over six million car crashes each year. The source of accidents is human error. This project creates an environment with no place for human error. By incorporating all vehicles into a single program, traffic accidents will become nonexistent. Research at Carnegie Mellon University shows that over one-third of all traffic fatalities result from single-vehicle accidents; an example is vehicle speed that surpasses wheel performance, resulting in lose of friction in turning. Computer control of vehicle movement will maximize the performance of the motor vehicle while maintaining the utmost safety of the passengers. Over the years, traffic congestion has become an increasing dilemma. Automated control of vehicles optimizes traffic flow, dilutes traffic jams and allows for better commute. An example of usage for this program is in the case of emergency vehicles. All other vehicles in the path of the emergency vehicle will be directed to open a passage for the emergency vehicle. The program will then direct the vehicle through the open path, permitting the vehicle to reach its destination much faster. Description: The whole scale of automated traffic would require automated cars to be incorporated into the computer-operated program. An algorithm will be made to determine right-of-way and vehicle priority, in the case of emergency vehicles. Each vehicle will accept user input for it’s destination and the program will decide on the most efficient course of travel using factors such as time allowed and fuel remaining. This program will assume all sensors of the vehicles are functioning and will return the information needed for the program’s algorithm to run. Multiple processing units will also optimize the operation of the system allowing for real-time performance Limitations: A project of this magnitude consists of a great number of individual sections. For an automated traffic-controlling program to run perfectly, all cases of traffic must be anticipated and prepared for. During the time period of one school year, there is not enough time to complete all aspects of this program. There is also anticipated problem with the algorithm itself. It must be able to calculate both the shortest and the most time efficient route to certain destinations, as well as decide priority of vehicles. The time span of project is not likely to allow both the program and the incorporation of automated vehicles, therefore one aspect of the project will be discarded.