Chase Albert
A Physics Engine
Period 1
Java API is in: Sablescape API

fps.physics 	Chase's portion 

Sept. 24: programming spheres colliding

Oct 3: documentation - still working on collision programming

Oct 4: did a demo of prototype 1 at the projector. Sphere had resolution problems
projecting with this terminal. Viewer starts at 1 earth radius out, when gets
to center of earth, goes to some kind of hyperdrive.- Gravity goes to some large

Oct 6: Replacing Points with PositionVector.  Generating a commented API
to go along with this. See url above. Provide in log book.
   See API fpcs.physics
     currently replacing Point class with Position vector class.
      Point uses BigNums, these are not needed

Oct. 17: Working on building a RotationalVelocity class, "80 degrees per second" and exporting that info to a class.

Oct. 20 Working with Alberto - simulating socket communication,
  Alberto - he's simulating the server.
  Chase as the client can chat with Alberto's computer, the server.
    To be fixed: fix the daemon threads left running. When the client quits,
    the program is still in the server.
    Threads have been spawned that need to be cleaned up?
    When the client dies, the server still thinks it's alive.

Oct. 27 - to see the program running run this batch file:

export CLASSPATH=.
export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:~rkappiyo/FPS/dist/FPS.jar
export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:~rleith/lwjgl/jar/lwjgl.jar
export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:~rleith/lwjgl/jar/lwjgl_test.jar
export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:~rleith/lwjgl/jar/lwjgl_util.jar
export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:~rleith/lwjgl/jar/lwjgl_devil.jar
export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:~rleith/lwjgl/jar/lwjgl_fmod3.jar
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:~rleith/lwjgl/native

java fps.Main

Oct. 27 - what particularly did he work on with the physics engine this quarter?

Nov. 1 - Handed out Aha paper as a model.  Working on Paper draft

Dec. 15 - 
   Current Update Status
        I just finished editing the camera to offset. I will be changing the order
	of evaluation of the collision detection elements, trying to keep objects 
	from sticking. And I will soon add gravity.

Dec. 20
     I just finished editing the camera to offset. I will be changing the order
     of evaluation of the collision detection elements, trying to keep objects 
     from sticking. Soon I will add gravity, although I will probably disable 
     it afterwards.