Bryan Rau-Jacobs
Need a proposal
Web applications group

Oct. 3/4: IODINE version of Intranet 2. working with andrew deason and brian 
rau-jacobs. Spoke with Mr. Morasca about IPV 6 initiative and school connections
with other Virginia schools - CyberPals
Still needs a proposal

Oct. 6 - prepared .jar and directions for use for his Anser project.

Oct. 13 - absent

Oct. 18 - With Eric, re-imaging Transformers, fixed 2 so far. Figured out
 how to load the new Seagate Barracudas into Emperor, not installed yet.

Nov. 1 - Intranet 2 adding utilities functions for a Result class to return all 
values of a column in the database

Dec. 15 - 

Dec. 20 - Current Status Update
	Intranet 2's target deployment date has been pushed back to spring break;
	the final testing cycle should begin shortly after winter break.  Most 
	major functionality, such as the student directory and the 8th-period 
	interface, has already been implemented.  The migration to LDAP 
	(Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) from 
	MySQL for class information is currently under way.  Advanced AJAX 
	features are already present, and the file-management system is far 
	superior to that of its predecessor.