Andrew Richardson
Period 2
AI - Dialog Processing
Need a proposal

Oct. 3/4 deciding on language - Java, collecting dictionaries, is just getting started

Oct. 6 - Still background researching for his proposal.

Oct. 13 - Writing a socket program to get a dictionary of words from something
  like Is this legal? don't know

Oct. 20 - Has drawn out network diagrams of graph structures for the connections
of his general ai.  Nothing runs yet, I suggested creating a Java API of the 
class structure.

Dec. 20 Current status Update

I'm still reading a lot of scholarly articles on the subjects of neural networks, 
neurons, nodes, and neurotransmitters in the hopes that they will help me 
understand what I need to code.  I'm working on making the network of nodes 
structure more usable by making it easier to modify structure and remembering 
data by condensing data by storing information about the subnetwork instead of 
the position of every node.  Making it easier to modify network structure will 
enable me to hardcode a starting structure and modify it based on data gathered
from a variety of print sources.  Condensing data is important because the network 
will have many nodes that do not encode important information, but may do so in 
the future.  Storing statistical data about unimportant nodes will let them 
become important without taking up memory in the meantime.