Arvind Ravichandran
Artificial Learning through Pattern Recognition 
Period 5

Java - Here's the project's API

Oct. 5: Prototype 1, Class Brain receiving messages. Making an API

Oct. 7 - 
   Output October 7, 2005:
   java.lang.ThreadGroup[name=Peripheral System,maxpri=10]


	The majority of this output is debug code that signifies that the 
        program is working. The first line shows that the peripheral system (the
	message handler and inputs from the console) is in one threadgroup for 
	easy shutdown and restart.
	The next line is user input; a simple hello - we will trace this message
	through the program.
	The next line shows how the input hello has been package into a type message 
	class with the id Console_RandomNumber. The first word (before the underscore)
	tells the message handler what processes the message. From the console,
	the string is packaged and sent to the message handler, from which it is
	processed by the Console Message Processor (all message processors derive
	from a single message processor class). The resultant data is packaged again
	into a message and sent back to the handler from there it goes to the brain
	(also deriving from message_processor for ease of use) and the final 
	message shows the transformed string (from hello) - the series of four 
	digit numbers represents the string, whereas the numbers in the beginning 
	indicate statistics about the message (the majority of which are unimplement 

	The basic summary to be taken from this success is that the  prototype and  
	shell actually works. None of the code is hard-coded, thus the layer of
	abstraction is successful and there is plenty of room to grow and improve
	the project, along with room to plug in the actual core of the project 
	the pattern recognition.

Oct. 14 - Working on 2 things for Brain control.  When in a Resting state, when
   temporary memory is full, stores memory into general memory.
   Thread group, right now there's one thread "Peripheral System" - see output
   above.  Right now the thread is basic, just is able to shut down the system.

Oct. 19 - Working on the presentation of the API

Dec. 14 - Status Update Report
	I refocused the project on a more achievable objective (learning tic-tac-toe). 
	However, since the first quarter was just constructing the core methods,
	no time was lost (good planning eh?). I recently finished a tic-tac-toe
	game that will be used as the test. Right now I am adding the tic-tac-toe 
	processor and the brain algorithim. The tic-tac-toe processor should be
	done by today, so I will be beginning the brain algorithim by the time 
	you read this.