Alberto Pareja-Lecaros
Period 1
Building a distributed server to handle an interactive 3-D game universe
Oct. 3/4 - chat program in Java - two users can "text-talk" together via the 
  program's terminal
Oct. 6 - sends out a message, server receives the message, but is not sending
  out to the receiver.

Oct . 13 - Server/client - Successful connection - 
  message in Textbox is sent to server, server sends back to client, client
  receives in another Textbox.

Oct. 18 - Working with Chase on turning the vector of the 1st person player,
 in 3-space

Oct. 20 Working with Chase - simulating socket communication,
  Alberto - he's simulating the server.
  Chase as the client can chat with Alberto's computer, the server.
    To be fixed: fix the daemon threads left running. When the client quits,
    the program is still in the server.
    Threads have been spawned that need to be cleaned up?
    When the client dies, the server still thinks it's alive.

Oct. 27 - current version, Run, but server won't connect in this local version.
 I suggest he put screenshots of the client and server interfaces.
 To run: java chat.Client
 The program exits when you try to log in.
 Store the files in a directory named "chat", (these are in a package chat)

Nov. 1 - Working with his "infinite" server problem - server is in a constant while loop,
  it's in a constant receive state, even if the message has already been received.
  He's working with ftp-type model to try to resolve this. Something about ftp
  has two connections.

Dec. 15 - Current Status Update 

Dec. 21 Current Update:

I'm currently working on cleaning up demon threads that exist on the server 
after the client has disconnected. I am also trying to fix the server so that it
can break gracefully, ending all running threads without error. Furthermore I'll
be beginning to get the server to receive different "types" of data, and will 
also begin writing up a few RMI methods to get the server to run remotely on any