Andrew Deason
Period 1
Need a proposal
Web Applications Group

Sept. 24 Creating a Linux version of a Windows item from Bell's lab
  or something with AFS backup systems

Oct. 3/4: IODINE version of Intranet 2. working with eric harmon and brian 
rau-jacobs. Spoke with Mr. Morasca about IPV 6 initiative and school connections
with other Virginia schools - CyberPals
Still needs a proposal

Oct. 6 - worked on proposal, worked on benchmarking with Eric, fixed Brian's
  directory for his Anser project jar file.

Oct. 13 - Working on TJ Forge - getting Chase's Sablescape project on this site.

Oct. 18 - fixed Hydrogen problem. Still working on getting the proposal together
  with Eric and Brian.

Oct. 27 - working on TJForge, fine tuning the user interface, making it better, 
  with Eric Harmon.

Nov. 1 - Intranet 2 adding utilities functions for a Result class to return all 
values of a column in the database

Dec. 15 - Current Status update
Log for the week of 12 Dec 2005
I helped track down a few problems with our central repository, regarding 
permissions of the repository database files, and I made the intrabox management
functions available to other modules. 

 Log for 20 Dec 2005
Fixed a few bugs or illogical things in news item handling, and started on 
putting a GID for news posts, in addition to having a mysql table mapping news 
items to groups.