Scientific Method Outline


* What is your goal?
To provide a method of interaction within a three dimensional user interface.
* What idea are you trying to test?
Im testing the potential use of a familiar interactor (the hand) as use in computer graphics.
* What is the scientific question you are trying to answer?
How will people be able to interact with the ever-increasingly complicated systems and networks of computers?


* Explain how you think your project can demonstrate your purpose.
My project will provide the source code for a method of interaction in a three dimensional environment.
* Make a prediction regarding the outcome of your experiment.
My experiment will reult in a program that will draw a human hand in whatever contortable position the user wished to put it into.
* State the results you are predicting in measurable terms.
I predict that the graphic will appear nearly realistic and have different joint angles modifiable through some kind of input.


* Give a detailed explanation of how you will conduct the experiment to test your hypothesis.
I will start with a plan as to what the basic features of the hand will look like, including palm and fingers. Then I will begin writing the code to create such a graphic. I need to make the code as simple as possible not just to limit run-time but also to make it simple to return and add different forms of data conatinment and modifier functions.
* Be clear about the variables (elements of the experiment that change to test your hypothesis) versus your controls (elements of the experiment that do not change).
There are many different protions of the program that will change through experimentation. The sizes of the different portions of the graphic will change in total and in respect to one another in order to make the graphic apppear as realistic as possible. When the project is complete, such different sizes will remain constant, while angles of the joints will be what changes. During the experiment, the main constant is the graphics program used to create the graphic. The functions used in my program will respond however the controlling program accepts the commands.
* Be very specific about how you will measure results to prove or disprove your hypothesis. You should include a regular timetable for measuring results or observing the projects (for example, every hour, every day, every week).
I measure results and improvements through daily logs, along with my weekly goals for each different time frame of the project.
* Your procedure should be like a recipe - Another person should be able to perform your experiment following your procedure. Test this with a friend or parent to be sure you have not forgotten anything.


* List all materials and equipment that were used.
The Computer Systems Laboratory of TJ. The program OpenGL was used as the graphics editor for creating the hand. Other equipment used was an OpenGL book for reference.
* Your list of materials should include all of the ingredients of the procedure recipe.


* Keep a detailed journal of observations, data, and results. Your journal should contain data measurements and written notes about what you are sensing (hearing, seeing, or touching) about your experiment.
Daily Logs.
* If appropriate, photograph your project results or phases of the project to help your analysis and possibly to demonstrate your experiment on your exhibit board.
Screen Shots.


* Explain your observations, data, and results. This is a summary of what your data has shown you.
The programming of my graphic has required some interesting adjustments to make it realistic. The palm is created by a torus and two planes between them. The fingers are made of cylinders and spheres for joints. The radii of each end of the cylinders are equal to the radius of the sphere of the joint which they meet for smooth transitions. The thumb is currently created by the same method, but I plan on adding something near the base of the thumb to simulate the flap of skin on a real hand. All of the data is stored in arrays to allow for easy manipulation of the hand later.
* List the main points that you have learned.
I have learned a lot about different quadric objects and how to use basic arrays in different OpenGL functions.
* Why did the results occur? What did your experiment prove?
The results occured through a lot of time spent varying the different conditions of the hand for size and length, as well as proportions. My experiment proved that such source code is possible to create.
* Was your hypothesis correct? Did your experiment prove or disprove your hypothesis? This should be explained thoroughly.
My hypothesis was correct, as proven by my code and the graphic created.


* Answer your problem/purpose statement.
The graphic and manipulation of that graphic is complete.
* What does it all add up to? What is the value of your project?
My project may be useful in a three dimensional interface that will undoubtedly be appearing in the near future.
* What further study do you recommend given the results of your experiment? What would be the next question to ask?
I reccomend that such complicated interfaced be created in as simple a system as possible, such as unix, to limit extraneous run-time. This is why OpenGL was a good choice for creating my graphic, as it is so easily compatible with Unix.
* If you repeated this project, what would you change?
I would most likely work more towards use of some kind of glove and using it for manipulation of my graphic.