Scratch Programming from - Getting Started

  1. Start moving ("move" blocks, blue motion menu) -

  2. Add a sound ("move" blocks, motion menu, with "play drum" blocks, sound menu) -

  3. Start a dance (pairs of "move" blocks and "sound" blocks, moving back and forth) -

  4. Again and again ("forever" block, control menu) -

  5. Green control flag ("green flag" block, control menu) -

  6. Change color ("change effect" block, looks menu, purple) -

  7. Pressing keys ("when key pressed" block, control menu)

  8. Create a sprite (tabs for choosing/designing new sprites)

  9. Speaking ("say", "think" blocks from looks menu) -

  10. Image effects

  11. Add audio ("Sounds" tab, "play sound" block from sound menu) -

  12. Animation ("next costume" block, looks menu)