INT32GP Graphics Programming: Tutorial #22
Assignment 2
B1.11 3:00 pm Tue 15 Oct 02
B1.11 12 midday Wed 16 Oct 02
- The program tween.c demonstrates tweening.
- To set up tweening from house.txt to t.txt, use the following command.
tween house.txt t.txt
- Use a similar command to set up tweening from fish1.txt to fish2.txt or from rectangle.txt to fish1.txt.
- Press t to tween between the from and to images.
- If you want to create lighting normals for a polygonal mesh, the
program normal.c may help you.
- Compare the polygonal mesh box with a GLUT cube.
- Move the box around using the arrow and page up and down keys.
- Move the GLUT cube around using F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6 keys.
- Toggle three lights on and off by pressing 0, 1, 2.
- Change materials by pressing the m key.
- Use the x, y, z keys to rotate the objects round the x, y, or z-axis,
- Both objects appear to have problems with specular reflection at times.
- Work on Assignment 2.
Fran Soddell
last updated 14 October 2002