package; import sim.engine.*; import sim.field.grid.*; import sim.util.*; import ec.util.*; import*; public /*strictfp*/ class HeatBugs extends SimState { public double minIdealTemp = 17000; public double maxIdealTemp = 31000; public double minOutputHeat = 6000; public double maxOutputHeat = 10000; public double evaporationRate = 0.993; public double diffusionRate = 1.0; public static final double MAX_HEAT = 32000; public double randomMovementProbability = 0.1; public int gridHeight; public int gridWidth; public int bugCount; HeatBug[] bugs; public double getMinimumIdealTemperature() { return minIdealTemp; } public void setMinimumIdealTemperature( double temp ) { if( temp <= maxIdealTemp ) minIdealTemp = temp; } public double getMaximumIdealTemperature() { return maxIdealTemp; } public void setMaximumIdealTemperature( double temp ) { if( temp >= minIdealTemp ) maxIdealTemp = temp; } public double getMinimumOutputHeat() { return minOutputHeat; } public void setMinimumOutputHeat( double temp ) { if( temp <= maxOutputHeat ) minOutputHeat = temp; } public double getMaximumOutputHeat() { return maxOutputHeat; } public void setMaximumOutputHeat( double temp ) { if( temp >= minOutputHeat ) maxOutputHeat = temp; } public double getEvaporationConstant() { return evaporationRate; } public void setEvaporationConstant( double temp ) { if( temp >= 0 && temp <= 1 ) evaporationRate = temp; } public Object domEvaporationConstant() { return new Interval(0.0,1.0); } public double getDiffusionConstant() { return diffusionRate; } public void setDiffusionConstant( double temp ) { if( temp >= 0 && temp <= 1 ) diffusionRate = temp; } public Object domDiffusionConstant() { return new Interval(0.0, 1.0); } public double getRandomMovementProbability() { return randomMovementProbability; } public void setRandomMovementProbability( double t ) { if (t >= 0 && t <= 1) { randomMovementProbability = t; for( int i = 0 ; i < bugCount ; i++ ) if (bugs[i]!=null) bugs[i].setRandomMovementProbability( randomMovementProbability ); } } public Object domRandomMovementProbability() { return new Interval(0.0, 1.0); } public double getMaximumHeat() { return MAX_HEAT; } // we presume that no one relies on these DURING a simulation public int getGridHeight() { return gridHeight; } public void setGridHeight(int val) { if (val > 0) gridHeight = val; } public int getGridWidth() { return gridWidth; } public void setGridWidth(int val) { if (val > 0) gridWidth = val; } public int getBugCount() { return bugCount; } public void setBugCount(int val) { if (val >= 0) bugCount = val; } public DoubleGrid2D valgrid; public DoubleGrid2D valgrid2; public SparseGrid2D buggrid; /** Creates a HeatBugs simulation with the given random number seed. */ public HeatBugs(long seed) { this(seed, 100, 100, 100); } public HeatBugs(long seed, int width, int height, int count) { super(new MersenneTwisterFast(seed), new Schedule(2)); gridWidth = width; gridHeight = height; bugCount = count; createGrids(); } protected void createGrids() { bugs = new HeatBug[bugCount]; valgrid = new DoubleGrid2D(gridWidth, gridHeight,0); valgrid2 = new DoubleGrid2D(gridWidth, gridHeight, 0); buggrid = new SparseGrid2D(gridWidth, gridHeight); } /** Resets and starts a simulation */ public void start() { super.start(); // clear out the schedule // make new grids createGrids(); // Schedule the heat bugs -- we could instead use a RandomSequence, which would be faster // But we spend no more than 3% of our total runtime in the scheduler max, so it's not worthwhile for(int x=0;x 1) // yay, multi-processor! schedule.scheduleRepeating(Schedule.EPOCH,1,new ThreadedDiffuser(),1); else schedule.scheduleRepeating(Schedule.EPOCH,1,new Diffuser(),1); } /** This little function calls Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() if it's available, else returns 1. That function is nonexistent in Java 1.3.1, but it exists in 1.4.x. So we're doing a little dance through the Reflection library to call the method tentatively! The value returned by Runtime is the number of available processors on the computer. If you're only using 1.4.x, then all this is unnecessary -- you can just call Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() instead. */ public int availableProcessors() { Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime(); try { return ((Integer)runtime.getClass().getMethod("availableProcessors", null). invoke(runtime,null)).intValue(); } catch (Exception e) { return 1; } // a safe but sometimes wrong assumption! } /** Runs HeatBugs headless (no GUI). Checkpoints out to files every 500 simulation timesteps. If no command-line arguments are provided, a new HeatBugs is started. Optionally the user can say "-checkpoint [filename]" and HeatBugs will load a checkpoint and continue from that point. */ // This example is overly elaborate, with checkpointing and stuff. // But to run a simulation, the basic thing you need to do is: // // // 1. Make a SimState heatbugs = new HeatBugs(23); // seed the RNG with 23, what the heck // 2. Tell it we're starting heatbugs.start(); // 3. Loop: for(...however long I want to run...) // 4. Step the schedule if (!heatbugs.schedule.step(heatbugs)) break; // 5. Finish up heatbugs.finish(); // // ...and that's it! public static void main(String[] args) { HeatBugs heatbugs = null; // should we load from checkpoint? I wrote this little chunk of code to // check for this to give you the general idea. for(int x=0;x