package; import sim.field.grid.*; import sim.util.*; import sim.engine.*; public /*strictfp*/ class HeatBug implements Steppable { public double idealTemp; public double getIdealTemperature() { return idealTemp; } public void setIdealTemperature( double t ) { idealTemp = t; } public double heatOutput; public double getHeatOutput() { return heatOutput; } public void setHeatOutput( double t ) { heatOutput = t; } public double randomMovementProbability; public double getRandomMovementProbability() { return randomMovementProbability; } public void setRandomMovementProbability( double t ) { if (t >= 0 && t <= 1) randomMovementProbability = t; } public Object domRandomMovementProbability() { return new Interval(0.0,1.0); } public HeatBug( double idealTemp, double heatOutput, double randomMovementProbability) { this.heatOutput = heatOutput; this.idealTemp = idealTemp; this.randomMovementProbability = randomMovementProbability; } public void addHeat(final DoubleGrid2D grid, final int x, final int y, final double heat) { grid.field[x][y] += heat; if (grid.field[x][y] > HeatBugs.MAX_HEAT) grid.field[x][y] = HeatBugs.MAX_HEAT; } public void step( final SimState state ) { HeatBugs hb = (HeatBugs)state; Int2D location = hb.buggrid.getObjectLocation(this); int myx = location.x; int myy = location.y; final int START=-1; int bestx = START; int besty = 0; if (state.random.nextBoolean(randomMovementProbability)) // go to random place { bestx = hb.buggrid.stx(state.random.nextInt(3) - 1 + myx); // toroidal besty = hb.buggrid.sty(state.random.nextInt(3) - 1 + myy); // toroidal } else if( hb.valgrid.field[myx][myy] > idealTemp ) // go to coldest place { for(int x=-1;x<2;x++) for (int y=-1;y<2;y++) if (!(x==0 && y==0)) { int xx = hb.buggrid.stx(x + myx); // toroidal int yy = hb.buggrid.sty(y + myy); // toroidal if (bestx==START || (hb.valgrid.field[xx][yy] < hb.valgrid.field[bestx][besty]) || (hb.valgrid.field[xx][yy] == hb.valgrid.field[bestx][besty] && state.random.nextBoolean())) // not uniform, but enough to break up the go-up-and-to-the-left syndrome { bestx = xx; besty = yy; } } } else if ( hb.valgrid.field[myx][myy] < idealTemp ) // go to warmest place { for(int x=-1;x<2;x++) for (int y=-1;y<2;y++) if (!(x==0 && y==0)) { int xx = hb.buggrid.stx(x + myx); // toroidal int yy = hb.buggrid.sty(y + myy); // toroidal if (bestx==START || (hb.valgrid.field[xx][yy] > hb.valgrid.field[bestx][besty]) || (hb.valgrid.field[xx][yy] == hb.valgrid.field[bestx][besty] && state.random.nextBoolean())) // not uniform, but enough to break up the go-up-and-to-the-left syndrome { bestx = xx; besty = yy; } } } else // stay put { bestx = myx; besty = myy; } hb.buggrid.setObjectLocation(this,bestx,besty); addHeat(hb.valgrid,bestx,besty,heatOutput); } }