Learn for and while loops. Learn about certain commands that return a true/false value.
for(counter start; counter stop test; counter increment) { body of the loop }Example:
for(int i=0; i<n ; i++) { robot.pickBeeper(); }
while(test condition(s)) { body of the loop } The test condition(s) are functions that return true or falseExample:
while(robot.nextToABeeper()) { robot.pickBeeper(); } while (!robo1.rightIsClear() && !robo1.nextToABeeper()) { commands }
facingEast() facingNorth() facingSouth() facingWest() frontIsClear() leftIsClear() nextToABeeper() nextToARobot()
if(boolean statement(s)) { body of if } else { alternative body } The "else" portion is optional