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#lang racket (require 2htdp/image)and then "run"
Colors available in WeScheme - no spaces, and capital letters are optional
The "contract" for Circle is: circle: Number String String -> image
(circle 100 "solid" "red")
(circle 50 "solid" "crimson")
(circle 75 "outline" "orange")
(rectangle 500 250 "solid" "chocolate")
(text "Hello World" 100 "orchid")
(star 100 "solid" "olive")
(radial-star 8 8 64 "solid" "lime")
(radial-star 8 40 64 "solid" "ForestGreen")
This will put two shapes next to each other on the same line: overlay/xy
(overlay/xy (radial-star 8 8 64 "solid" "lime") 100 0 (radial-star 8 40 64 "solid" "ForestGreen") ) (overlay/xy (regular-polygon 50 8 "solid" "plum") 200 0 (radial-star 8 40 64 "solid" "aqua") )