RoboMind website
RoboMind Example scripts
RoboMind Basic instructions: move, paint, grab, see
RoboMind Programming Structures: comment, loops, if-structures, procedures, end
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For more programming challenges, see Robo Exercise Set 1
paintWhite forward(1) forward(1) forward(1) forward(1) forward(1) forward(1) right forward(1) forward(1) forward(1) forward(1) forward(1) forward(1) right . . .
paintWhite forward(6) right forward(6) right forward(6) right forward(6) right stopPainting
paintWhite repeat(4) { forward(6) right } stopPainting repeat(4) { forward(4) right } stopPainting
Here's the beginning of a Kojo program:
clear setPenColor(blue) repeat(4){ forward(100) right } penUp() forward(10) right forward(10) left penDown setPenColor(red) repeat(4){ . . . }