- AI 1 Topics: Graphs and Search Techniques, Games and Learning, Genetic Algorithms and learning
- Language: Python Topics:
- Graphs and Optimal Search
- Introduction to Python
- Word Ladders
- Heuristics
- Romania and US Waterways
- Sliding Tile
- Optimal search techniques, best first, A*
- Stochastic Search and Genetic Algorithms
- Eight Queens
- Games, Minimax, Pruning
- Multiplayer GHOST (word game)
- Reversi, aka Othello
- Tic-Tac-Toe
- AI 2 Topics: Image processing and computer vision, algorithms for learning using constraints, agent based modeling and learning, neural networks and learning
- Image Processing and Machine Vision
- Smoothing
- Edge detection
- Circle identification
- Constraint Solvers
- Agent Based Modeling
- Swarm, Cooperation, Competition, Emergence
- Segregation, Schelling neighborhoods
- Machine Learning
- Parallel Computing 1, Language: C, Topics: Compression Techniques, Numerical simulation, Parallization methods, Gridding strategies
- Huffman Compression
- Introduction to C
- Information Theory
- MPI and Embarrassingly Parallel Problems
- Projectile Motion with Air Resistence
- Gridding Strategies
- 2D OpenGL and Fractal Generation
- Diffusion Limited Aggregation
- Conway's Game of Life
- The Heat equation
- Parallel Programming 2, Language: C, Topics: Cellular Automata and parallelization, Threads and sockets, 3D Graphics, Parallel platforms
- Coupled Systems
- Matrix Operations and Solvers
- Orbital Mechanics, N-Body Problem
- Underlying Tools
- Discrete Cosine Transform
- 3D Graphics
- OpenGL and the Camera Analogy
- Ray Tracing
- Parallel Algorithm Thinking