Student Research Projects by Category 2008-2009

  • Detailed listings and materials of these projects by quarters

    1. Artificial Intelligence, Genetic Algorithms
      1. Mary Linnell, Proposal: Applications of Genetic Algorithms
        project description, paper, poster, presentation, code/API.

      2. Christina Wallin, Proposal: Naive Bayes Classification
        project description, paper, poster, presentation, code/API.

      3. Christopher Beacham - Proposal: Evolving Cutting Horse and Sheepdog Behavior in a Simulated Flock
        project description, paper (.doc), poster presentation, code/API.

      4. Michael Sanders, Proposal: Solving the Vehicle Routing with Multiple Multi-Capacity Vehicles
        project description, paper, poster, presentation, code/API.

      5. Daniel Emmons, Proposal: Machine Learning of Bridge Bidding
        project description, paper, poster, presentation, code/API.

      6. James Mannion, Proposal: The Implementation of Artificial Intelligence and Temporal Difference Learning Algorithms in a Computerized Chess Program
        project description, paper, poster, presentation, code/API.

      7. William Melicher, Proposal: The Implementation of Machine Learning in Checkers
        project description, paper, poster, presentation, code/API.

      8. Paul Woods, Proposal: TJHSST Hallway Traffic Simulation
        project description, paper, poster, presentation, code/API.

      9. Michael LeGore, Proposal: Traffic Based Pathway Optimization
        project description, paper, poster, presentation, code/API.

    2. Modeling with Algorithms
      1. Preetam D'Souza, Proposal: Applications of Stochastic Processes in Asset Price Modeling
        project description, paper, poster, presentation, code/API.

      2. Theo Gutman-Solo, Proposal - Econometrics modeling,
        project description, paper, poster, presentation, code/API.

      3. Craig Haseler, Proposal: The Tragedy of the Commons as Applied to Traffic Simulation
        project description, paper, poster, presentation, code/API.

      4. Timothy Galvin, Proposal: A Traffic Simulation Model Allowing for Wide-ranged Vehicle Communication
        project description, paper, poster, presentation, code/API.

      5. James Kaplan, Proposal: Traffic Model Simulation
        project description, paper (.doc), poster, presentation, code/API.

      6. Peter Le, Proposal: Economic Policy Simulation and Optimization
        project description, paper, poster, presentation, code/API.

      7. Brian Tubergen, Proposal: Creating 2-D and 3-D Models of the Solar System Using Physics-Based Geometries in Java
        project description, paper, poster, presentation, code/API.

      8. Soltan Malekghassemi, Proposal: AvaMol - Molecular Mechanics to Quantum Chemistry and Back
        project description, paper, poster, presentation, code/API.

    3. Modeling with Agents, Cellular Automata
      1. Alexa Silverman, Proposal: A Cellular Automata Approach to Population Modeling
        project description, paper, poster, presentation, code/API.

      2. Marika Lohmus, Proposal: Simulation of Global Warming in the Continental United States Using Agent-Based Modeling
        project description, paper, poster, presentation, code/API.

      3. John Walsh, Proposal: Artificial Intelligence in Agent-Based Modeling
        project description, paper, poster, presentation, code/API.

      4. Conor Cahill, Proposal: Model of a Virus Outbreak on a Contained Population
        project description, paper, poster, presentation, code/API.

      5. Jackson DeWeese, Proposal: Simulation of the Spread of a Virus Throughout Interacting Populations with Varying Degrees and Methods of Vaccination
        project description, paper, poster, presentation, code/API.

      6. Brendan Greenley, Proposal: Epidemic Modeling
        project description, paper, poster, presentation, code/API.

      7. Joshua Lee, Proposal: The Tragedy of the Commons using Agent-Based Modeling
        project description, paper, poster, presentation, code/API.

    4. Modeling with System Dynamics
      1. Junho Kang, Proposal: A System Dynamics Approach to Global Warming
        project description, paper poster, presentation, code/API.

      2. Joshua Yoon, Proposal: Modeling the Effects of Disasters on Human Population and Resources
        project description, paper, poster, presentation, code/API.

      3. Dheeraj Manjunath, Proposal: Modeling Virus Transmission using Agent Based and System Dynamics Modeling (using both System Dynamics and Agent based approaches)
        project description, paper, poster, presentation, code/API.

      4. Thomas Bettge, Proposal: System Dynamics Modeling of Community Sustainability
        project description, paper, poster, presentation, code/API.

    5. Computer Vision, Image Processing
      1. Amar Sahai, Proposal: Automating Scoliosis Analysis
        project description, paper, poster, presentation, code/API.

      2. Maya Wei, Proposal: Reverse Engineering Graphs: Obtaining Data Points from Scatterplots
        project description, paper, poster, presentation, code/API.

      3. Hugo Woolf, Preliminary area - Morphology Based OCR, Proposal: ________________
        project description, paper, poster, presentation, code/API.

    6. Computer Algorithms, Parallel Computing algorithms
      1. Jeffrey Thomas, Proposal: Data Compression through Duplicate Elimination and Tagging
        project description, paper, poster, presentation, code/API.

    7. Computer Graphics and algorithms
      1. Eugene Paik, Proposal: Rigid Body Dynamics: A Graphical Simulation
        project description, paper, poster, presentation, code/API.

      2. Zachary Greer, Proposal: Exploration of a 3D World
        project description, paper, poster, presentation, code/API.

    8. Applications software, testing
      1. Ian Garrett, Proposal: Automated System Testing
        project description, paper, poster, presentation, code/API.
      2. Filip Sufitchi, Proposal: tjTalk School Question Forum
        project description, paper, poster, presentation, code/API.

      3. Andrew Hamilton, Proposal: Design and Implementation of an Extensible, Modular, Web-based Classroom Supplement
        project description, paper, poster, presentation, code/API.

    9. Computer Science in Education
      1. Emily Clarke, Proposal: Math Edutainment Software for Girls Grades 1-6
        project description, paper, poster, presentation, code/API.

      2. Jessica Gorman, Proposal: Benefits of Computer Education
        project description, paper, poster, presentation (team) code/API.

      3. Crystal Noel, Proposal: Learning to Design Simple Computer Programming Projects in an Elementary School Setting
        project description, paper, poster, presentation (team), code/API.

      4. Paul Im, Proposal: Computer Science for the Young Mind
        project description, paper, poster, presentation, code/API.

    10. Computer Music
      1. Kevin Deisz, Proposal: Automated Musical Part Writing (Spring sem) and Modeling Stage Lighting in Realistic Conditions (Fall sem)
        project description, paper, poster, presentation, code/API.

      2. Nicholas Starr, Proposal: Isolation of Individual Tracks from Polyphonic Music
        project description, paper, poster, presentation, code/API.

      3. Casey Mihaloew, Proposal: Designing a Music Scripting Language
        project description, paper, poster, presentation, code/API.

    11. Computer Software for Robotics
      1. Michael Meadows, Creation of Algorithms and Software for use with a "Foosbot", Proposal: ________________
        project description, paper, poster, presentation, code/API.

    12. Mentorship

      1. Michael Eng Proposal: Northrop Grumman Mission Systems, Automation of Testing in the Distributed Common Ground System (Army)

      2. Phillip Marlow Proposal: Koolspan Inc, Bethesda MD, Evaluation and Comparison of Real-time Network Latency

      3. Brandon Vargo Proposal: Northrop Grumman Tasc, Analysis and Presentation of Signal Jamming Effectiveness