1st Quarter Summary of Student Research Projects 2008-2009

  1. Modeling and System Dynamics
    1. Applications of Stochastic Processes in Asset Price Modeling, poster, presentation.
    2. A Cellular Automata Approach to Population Modeling poster, presentation,
    3. Model of a Virus Outbreak on a Contained Population poster, presentation,
    4. A System Dynamics Approach to Global Warming poster, presentation,
    5. Economic Policy Simulation and Optimization poster, presentation,
    6. Modeling Virus Transmission using Agent Based and System Dynamics Modeling poster, presentation,
    7. Modeling the Effects of Disasters on Human Population and Resources poster, presentation,
    8. Epidemic Modeling poster, presentation,
    9. The Tragedy of the Commons using Agent-Based Modeling poster, presentation,
    10. System Dynamics Modeling of Community Sustainability poster, presentation,

  2. System Testing
    1. Automated System Testing poster, presentation,

  3. Simulations
    1. Simulation of Global Warming in the Continental United States Using Agent-Based Modeling poster, presentation,
    2. The Tragedy of the Commons as Applied to Traffic Simulation poster, presentation,
    3. A Traffic Simulation Model Allowing for Wide-ranged Vehicle Communication poster, presentation,
    4. Traffic Model Simulation poster, presentation,
    5. Simulation of the Spread of a Virus Throughout Interacting Populations with Varying Degrees and Methods of Vaccination poster, presentation,
    6. TJHSST Hallway Traffic Simulation poster, presentation,

  4. Algorithms
    1. Applications of Genetic Algorithms poster, presentation,
    2. Solving the Vehicle Routing with Multiple Multi-Capacity Vehicles poster, presentation,
    3. Data Compression through Duplicate Elimination and Tagging poster, presentation,

  5. Acoustics and Media
    1. Designing a Music Scripting Language poster, presentation,
    2. Isolation of Individual Tracks from Polyphonic Music poster, presentation,
    3. Performance and Media Management in C++ poster, presentation,

  6. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
    1. Machine Learning of Bridge Bidding poster, presentation,
    2. Artificial Intelligence in Agent-Based Modeling poster, presentation, presentation,
    3. Evolving Cutting Horse and Sheepdog Behavior in a Simulated Flock
    4. The Implementation of Artificial Intelligence and Temporal Difference Learning Algorithms in a Computerized Chess Program poster, presentation,
    5. The Implementation of Machine Learning in Checkers poster, presentation,

  7. Machine Vision
    1. Automating Scoliosis Analysis poster, presentation,
    2. Reverse Engineering Graphs: Obtaining Data Points from Scatterplots poster, presentation,
    3. Sample projects in Computer vision

  8. Computer Science Education
    1. Math Edutainment Software for Girls Grades 1-6 poster, presentation,
    2. Benefits of Computer Education poster, presentation,
    3. Learning to Design Simple Computer Programming Projects in an Elementary School Setting poster, presentation,
    4. Computer Science for the Young Mind poster, presentation,

  9. Computer Graphics
    1. Creating 2-D and 3-D Models of the Solar System Using Physics-Based Geometries in Java poster, presentation,
    2. Rigid Body Dynamics: A Graphical Simulation poster, presentation,
    3. Modeling Stage Lighting in Realistic Conditions poster, presentation,
    4. Exploration of a 3D World poster, presentation,

  10. Computational Linguistics, computational chemistry
    1. Naive Bayes Classification poster, presentation.
    2. AvaMol - Molecular Mechanics to Quantum Chemistry and Back poster, presentation,

  11. Applications
    1. Design and Implementation of an Extensible, Modular, Web-based Classroom Supplement poster, presentation,
    2. tjTalk School Question Forum, poster,

  12. Mentorship
    1. Northrop Grumman Mission Systems, Automation of Testing in the Distributed Common Ground System (Army)
    2. Koolspan Inc, Bethesda MD, Evaluation and Comparison of Real-time Network Latency
    3. Northrop Grumman Tasc, Analysis and Presentation of Signal Jamming Effectiveness