Senior Research Warmup Program
Lab Report Form - Tally Lab

  1. Your name: __________________________________, Period: _____, Date __________

  2. Did you use separate functions for the tasks required (yes/no)? _____ If yes did you use parameters rather than global variables? _____
    Example tally array:
    Value      0   1    2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14    15
    Frequency  0   0   10   5  10   0   7   1   0   6    0   10    3    0    0     1

  3. Code to create your frequency array. Your code should generate an array similar to the one above
    (If you used separate functions, include the entire function)
  4. Your function to find the maximum frequency. In the example array the maximum frequency is 10 (values 2, 4, and 11)
  5. Your function to return an array of the modes (calculateModes()). This one is tricky. How many modes are in this array?
  6. Your function for kthDataValue(). When the array of values is sorted, what would be the kth value in this sorted array? k would be a parameter to the function.