Fall/Spring 2006 - 2007 - Summary of What's Due 3rd Quarter
Reminder of What's Due for March 23 2007:
- Check that all your
current work is posted on our class site.
- Research paper 3rd quarter version (LaTeX, pdf, visuals, bibliography). Include an overall purpose for your project - can it be used in other fields of applications.
- Submit drafts of your paper to for an originality report
- Poster, 3rd quarter version, Openoffice Draw, export to pdf. Include the larger purpose - possible uses in other disciplines.
- Slides, 3rd quarter version (ppt.). Include the larger purpose - possible uses in other disciplines.
- Oral presentation of your slides.
- Detailed iteration reports
(.doc) - Feb. 16, March 9, March 28
- Project code - what you are actually writing. Commented synopsis/outline of your code, such as Javadocs API.
Representative examples of your program running, demonstrating important aspects of your project.
- Description of updates (.doc)to your portolio for 3rd quarter.
- Weekly logs
- Teknos entry? Draft due middle of February