Research Paper Shell in LaTeX 2006-2007
The research paper shell used here is
Control of Complex, Physically Simulated Robot Groups
(text version) by David Brogan for SPIE 2001 (UVa Graphics Group papers)
SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering
proceedings vol. 4512
Proceedings of SPIE Volume: 4512; Complex Adaptive Structures; Editor(s): William B. Spillman, Jr.
ISBN: 0-8194-4227-5; Publication Date: Oct 2001; 282 pages; 27 papers; Softcover.
- Example LaTeX research paper shell to use as a model:
- To compile: pdflatex samplepaper.tex (make sure the image files are in the same folder as the paper source .tex file)
- To make your own pdf images for your paper (the process I used)
- Use Gimp (File/Acquire Screenshot) to make a screenshot of the window with the image you're copying
- Use the "Select rectangular areas" tool to select the image
- Copy/Paste this into a new gimp file
- Save this file as Postscript .ps
- In an xterm, convert this .ps image to .pdf using ps2pdf:
- Bibliography formats
- LaTeX tutorial links:
- LaTeX table of contents from
NASA help with LaTeX,
Math symbols such as binary operators,
Greek letters,
math functions,
sums and integrals.
Math formulas and math environments such as
math and
Bibliographies (thebibliography) and
- Art of Problem Solving LaTeX help, also see
Overall guide,
Manipulating images
- Getting Started With LaTeX
Beginning LaTeX
- Images into LaTeX
- Word Processing Using LaTeX
Text Processing using LaTeX
LaTeX Tricks
- Mr. Hyatt's LaTeX
(Note that he has the
source code also listed)
- Latex with an image - produces this
2 column with an image - produces this
To generate a LaTeX document
- Compile and generate a pdf from the latex file:
pdflatex myfile.tex
(or latex myfile.tex to generate a .dvi file)
- xpdf will view the pdf file
(also gv, gpdf, kpdf, evince can view pdf's)
- To view a .dvi file using xdvi filename.dvi
- dvi file to pdf: dvipdf myfile.dvi (our current image doesn't support dvipdf, use pdflatex)
- To convert the latex file to html:
"latex2html filename.tex"
This creates a directory "filename" with an index.html file
- To convert to ".ps" (postscript) format, use dvips myfile.dvi
- To see the postscript (".ps") file, use Ghostview: gv