Program Iteration Report 2006-2007
Running version, planning, testing, and analysis of your program
- Name: __________________________________, Period: _____, Date: ______________
- Project title or subject: _______________________________
- Language(s) and other software tool(s): ______________________
- Iteration or Prototype # _____
- List any other people (potential users of your program) involved in giving you feedback on the running and analysis of your program's results.
- Purpose of this version. What are you trying to do with this iteration of your project's program? Clearly define the scope of this version of the program.
- Outline your organization for this version of the program. Determine what types of inputs the program expects, what algorithms and processing the program is doing, and what output(s) you expect.
- Input(s) - try to test a variety of kinds of inputs:
- Algorithms and processing internal to the program (you can paste in code and explain):
- Types of output you expect, what do you expect the program to do, how should the program behave based on your input and algorithms?
- What about user input errors? At this stage are there incorrect user input(s) that your program handles?
- At this beginning phase, summarize again what your program is demonstrating or analyzing.
- What do you think your next step will be for the next iteration of your program?