Computer Systems Research
Digital Poster of your project - Version for 1st quarter 2006

  • Use Openoffice Draw or Openoffice powerpoint. Set the correct dimensions in format. Export to pdf.

  • The Art of the Poster
    1. 10 second reading of your poster - title, abstract, headings, and visuals portray information about your project quickly to the reader/viewer.
      i.e. the viewer of the poster needs to be able to get a good idea of your project in a few seconds.

    2. 10 minute reading of your poster - a detailed communication of your project:
      The viewer continues reading your paragraphs, charts, and visuals in order to learn detailed information about your research.
    3. Limited space - on your poster to portray all of this information; communicate as much information as possible in a small amount of space.

    4. Variety of formats for the communication of information: textual (your headings and paragraphs) and visual (charts, screenshots, etc)

    5. Font size and type needs to be small enough to fit on the poster yet large enoughand clear enough to be read from a few feet away
    6. Visually interesting The layout of your poster should be interesting visually yet maintain a professional quality.
      These are not K Mart posters (no offense K Mart)