Computer Systems Lab, Choosing and Implementing a Project
- Pick an subject area you're interested in.
This year's project interests (in no particular order)
- artificial intelligence, machine learning, making a smart card game
- hybrid ai, combining multiple machine learning systems, robotics
- neural networks to predict the stock market, compose music, compress data
- hiding/embedding data in a image, mp3 file, pdf file, steganography
- modular communications protocol, transferring data between server and client using an XML-based protocol
- cellular automata, rule-based evolution
- modeling of complex systems, traffic light management, student traffic in the halls of TJ
- realistic 3D computer graphics, animation, computer games and physical simulations
- flexible, modular architecture for computer games
- algorithms, finding a better tree data structure
- music composition language, a language to write music notation
- simulating real world physics problems with programming and graphics
- simulating characters in a fighting game with finite state machines
- auctions, complex systems, unique bid auctions
- simulating the physics of a crew oar in water
- stock simulation, buying and selling with ai
- website construction and design
- writing a domain-specific computer language
- advanced calculator function on the student intranet, modular programming
- visualization of semantic networks and ontologies of learning agents
- high performance and parallel computing to solve large problems
- creating and evolving artificial life environments
- fingerprint identification techniques
- computer linguistics, french-english translation
- P2P client and bittorent filesharing protocol
- optimized traffic patterns using gps and wireless communications between traffic lights and vehicles
- using ant colony optimization to find optimal solutions to computationally intensive problems
- Find a matching research area of computer science and reading research papers
- Use of an iterative model of software development, develop effective
testing strategies
- Writing and presentation
slides and poster