Mentorship Student Research 2006-2007

  1. Lee Burton (Summer/Fall mentorship), TASC Component Architecture and Simulation Environment (TCASE) (Systems Modeling, Northrop Grumman)
  2. Ankur Desai (Summer/Fall - Per. 7 Strong), Implementation of Artificial Physics Using AIBO Robot and the Pyro Programming Environment (AI Robotics, NRL)
  3. David Kohlbrenner (Fall Mentorship), Prelim Proposal1:
  4. Sarah Laskey (Summer/Fall - Per. 7 Strong), Assessing Terrorism Threat Rankings to Specific Sites (Risk Analysis, Digital Sandbox)
  5. Shiqian (Kevin) Liu (Fall Mentorship), Prelim Proposal1:
  6. Myles Maxfield (Summer/Fall - Per. 3 Cammer), Integrated Spell Checker and Search Engine (Internet AI,
  7. Jonathan Reed (Summer/Fall - Per.7 Strong), Use of the Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) Algorithm and Applications With An Intranet Search Program (Internet Datamining and AI search,
  8. Karl Shurter (Fall - Mentorship), Prelim Proposal1:
  9. Christopher Sweeney (Fall - Mentorship), Prelim Proposal1:
  10. Sean Tai (Summer/Fall - Per. 2 Pearce), Designing a View Management System for Augmented Reality (Virtual Reality Systems, NRL)

  • Documents for grading
    1. Research paper criteria
    2. Powerpoint slides for oral presentation
    3. Due dates for mentorship students, tech writing course Fall 2006