Program Iteration Report 2006-2007
Running version, planning, testing, and analysis of your program
Lifecycle Planning

Name: __________________________________, Period: _____, Date: ______________

Project title or subject: _______________________________

Language(s) and other software tool(s): ______________________

Iteration #3 - October 16-31, 2006

  1. Choosing a lifecycle model for your project. (Rapid Development, p. 154) Different projects have different needs, even if they all need to be developed as fast as possible. To choose the most effective lifecycle model for your project think about your answer to these questions:

  2. Although "Code-and-fix" may be an appealing model, choose one these lifecycle models that you feel best fit your project.

  3. Identify a lifecycle model that's a good fit for your project + any comments you may have as to why:
  4. You are commencing upon a research project. What is research? The following "answers" are from Rising Above the Gathering Storm and Pasteur's Quadrant by D. Stokes.

  5. What type of research do you think characterizes your own project? Also give a brief explanation or discussion why. Also, check out the new research tool named Zotero. Your research project should, in general, reflect four habits of inquiry (from the Draft TJHSST Research Definitions document)
  6. Outline your organization for this iteration of your project. For example, what types of inputs does your program expect, what algorithms and processing the program is doing, and what output(s) do you expect.

  7. What do you think your next step will be for the next iteration of your program? Try to be as specific as possible.