Fall/Spring 2006 - 2007 - 4th Quarter Assignments
- Try the new
Zotero research tool
- Syllabus and
Academic Integrity (
- Portfolio requirements and Calendar
- Software testing,
and software estimation
- Iteration and Lifecycle models
- 4th Quarter
- Summary of what's due 4th quarter
- Assignments listed chronologically:
- Mon. April 9 - check that your current
portfolio is up to date for the end of 3rd quarter: Paper.pdf, Poster.pdf, Presentation.ppt,
code API link
- Friday April 13 Project estimate/projection
for 4th quarter.
- Friday April 13 Logs 1
(.doc) due.
- Fri. April 20 Logs 2
(.doc) due
- Fri. April 20 "Running" description 1
(.doc) - a detailed report of how your program is actually running now, what it does, how it behaves, what you're testing, and how you're evaluating your program.
- Fri. April 27 Logs 3
- Fri. April 27
Iteration 1
(.doc) due
- Fri. May 4 Logs 4
- ORAL PRESENTATION: Also schedule your oral presentation for 4th quarter on the class calendar
- Fri. May 4 "Running" description 2
(.doc)- a detailed report of how your program is actually running now, what it does, how it behaves, what you're testing, and how you're evaluating your program.
- Fri. May 11 Logs 5
- Fri. May 18 Logs 6 (.doc)
- Fri. May 18 "Running" description 3
(.doc) - a detailed report of how your program is actually running now, what it does, how it behaves, what you're testing, and how you're evaluating your program.
- Fri. May 25 Logs 7
- Fri. May 25
Iteration 2
(.doc) due
- May 21 - (week of) - demonstrate a running version of your program and code API + source. Hand in a written description of what your project's running version is doing now, at the end part of 3rd quarter. What has been your progress from the beginning of 3rd quarter?
- Fri. June 1 Logs 8
- Friday June 1 Your Final portolio research
slides (.ppt) and oral presentation
- Friday June 1 Your Final portolio research
project poster (openoffice draw + export to pdf)
- 18" by 24" color print out your poster, lamenated
- Friday June 1 Your Final portolio research paper (LaTeX + pdf, include visuals, bibliography).
- Friday June 1 Description of updates (.doc)to your portolio for 4th quarter.
- Friday June 1: Check that all of your
current work is posted on our class site.