2005 - 2006 - Project Testing Summary 1, 3rd Period, 3rd Quarter

Testing Summary 1 - March 14 2006 3.14 PI day
Exterior Functionality (User point of view) Engineering - interior (Programmer's p-o-v) Adaptability - Future, plans for maintainability
N. Alexander test: test: test:
S. Davis test: test: test:
S. Durant (3D Virtual Environment) Test: Make sure each camera is showing what it should; change angles and origins of the cameras. Test: Use a struct for the window instance; organized program structure; deal with O(n) issues (which algorithms?) Simple changes in the draw() method will change what is displayed; program structure is easily used as a shell for modifications
C. Fralick test: test: test:
S. Johnson test: test: test:
A. Joshi test: test: test:
R. Logue Make sure Turtles move and turn as they should (be more specific?) Movement and turning methods work in all cases? (be more specific?) Use of current code for different kinds of ships.
A. Martin (Modeling Adaptations of Species, Agent Based) Test: Run model, check for accuracy and sustainability; each of 4 species shoould survive indefinitely. Use of OOP, for example, each species is an object, each graph is an object, and the collection of species is an object Ease of writing new classes based on shell OOP
A. Salls (Model of Wealth Distribution, Banking, and Consumer Demand, Agent Based) Bugs: infinite growth bug; corporation NEVER taking out loans, regardless of how far in debt they are. Test: bank reserve and interest rates; number of people Test: communism/capitalism method; each company has own method for: taking ouot loans, repaying loans, paying employees.