2005 - 2006 - Project Testing Summary 1, 2nd Period, 3rd Quarter

Testing Summary 1 - March 14 2006 3.14 PI day
Exterior Functionality (User point of view) Engineering - interior (Programmer's p-o-v) Adaptability - Future, plans for maintainability
Y. Chen (Sugarscape Artif. Life World) Testing input functions by changing variables such as MaxVision, or size and shape of Sugar World. Test to see whether the program implements the steppable rules in correct manner, and whether actual output patterns comply with theoretical output. Test with additional rules implemented in run schedule; see if program allows for future expansion.
J. Hurley Testing how the program looks to the user, how easy it is to interact with the program using sliders and buttons, and how easy it is to read the information provided. Testing whether the actual output runs true with the theoretical output, and whether the generation and crash detection work properly. Testing the ease of finding key variables, and the ease by which another coder could come in and work with it (documentation will be key).
R. Leith (Sablescape Universe) Testing how the program looks to the user and how easy it is to understand the controls. Testing the speed/efficiency of the OpenGL code Testing of the newly implemented database system; currently needs improvement.
A. Parthum test: test: test:
A. Richardson test: test: test:
K. Shiells Testing identification of words, cases and conjuagtions in the input text. Checking that the program identifies attributes necessary for number, person, and gender agreement in Russian. Ensuring that the program identifies attributes necessary for subject-verb agreement in English.
G. Tabot Test how the cars run both in how smooth they look and how they stop and start. (be more specific?) Find a way to slow cars down into a step. (more specific?) Find a way to implement turning cars. (more specific)
R. Udeshi test: test: test:
R. Zamani test: test: test: