Elements of Technical Writing

  • Avoid run-on sentences
    1. When a comma or no punctuation is used between two complete sentences, the result is referred to as a "run-on" sentence.
        The vacuum tube burned out, it will be replaced.
        The computer is down, you must fix it soon.
    2. When two or more independent clauses not joined by a conjunction (and, but, for, when, as, because, or though) are to form a single sentence, they must be separated by a semicolon or period
       The vacuum tube burned out; it will be replaced soon.
       The computer is down.  You must fix it soon.
    3. Or you can join the the independent clauses with a comma follow by a conjuction:
        The vacuum tube burned out, but it will be replaced.
        The computer is down, and you must fix it soon.