Elements of Technical Writing

  • Good technical writing is targeted
    1. "One of the most difficult challenges technical writers face is writing to the level of technical
      proficiency and understanding of the intended audience. If the writing is too simple, technical experts
      will feel you are talking down to them and be insulted or turned off. At the same time, there's a risk
      of being incomprehensible to less educated readers if you write at too high a level of technical

      Some guidelines:

    2. "Define your audience
      • Many people who are not professional writers never stop to think about who their audience is.
      • The same topic slanted toward different audiences mty require totally different treatments."
    3. Picture your audience
    4. Write for the majority
      • Write to please the majority while accomodating other readers if they are significant in number
        or status
    5. Use the gist test - nontechnical readers should be able to get at least the gist of the story
      by reading your copy, even if they don't totally understand the finer points of the discussion.